Wow! One whole month without a post here! Poor blog! But hey, exams were on, and I'd be dead if I kept on posting. Who was going to study, eh? :)

Anyways, it's over now, so I'll be reviving this place a bit. With a mini-review of one movie you gotta see this month, or this year. Ironman. I saw it, and truly, it' will probably be among the top 10 movies of the year 2008.

Ironman is your classic superhero movie, adapted from the character from Marvel Comics, in case you didn't already know. Just as any hero movie, it's one guy vs the bad guys. With a new spice added, called the technology touch.

Well, it's no longer a small picture on paper now. It's been totally chewed and spit out, as a brand new and flaming, sparkling and whatever else movie, packed full with awesome special effects, and a good crew of actors.

Here goes, a trailer off Youtube for you:

I won't spoil the story, but it's definitely worth it. For those of you who have seen one of the early trailers of Starcraft 2 from Blizzard, you will probably draw a parallel between the scene where Ironman dons his armor, and the making of a Marine in Starcraft.

The special effects there are absolutely amazing. Hats off to the animators who created that armor-wearing scene. It's VERY well detailed and extremely realistic.

The story line is not what I'd call consistent though. It does follow the comic a bit, but its intensity varies. At the start, it's very fast-paced, then slows down in the middle, and goes fast again near the end, though not as fast as at the beginning.

As conclusion, what I particularly liked about the movie is its soundtrack, the superb special effects, the witty comments from Tony Stark and the great role-playing of the actors.

If you haven't seen the movie, go see it if you have time. If you don't find time, they go find some, and see the movie!


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